I have pathogen set up in my vim installation and various plugins installed.
"Call pathogen to set up various plugins
"filetype off
call pathogen#infect()
call pathogen#incubate()
call pathogen#helptags()
When I write my .vimrc in vim, the following command is supposed to reload the file (and it does seem to work).
" Source the vimrc file after saving it
if has("autocmd")
autocmd bufwritepost .vimrc source $MYVIMRC
After writing .vimrc, however, pathogen does not reload.
Here is the output of :set rtp? after starting vim:
and after :w in .vimrc it returns to the default.
I tried adding the following modification to no avail...
if has("autocmd")
autocmd bufwritepost .vimrc source $MYVIMRC
autocmd bufwritepost .vimrc call pathogen#incubate()
I've been looking around and can't seem to find a solution other than just restarting vim every time I modify my .vimrc, which is fairly disruptive. Any help would be appreciated.
edit: output of tree -d -L 2...
├── autoload
└── bundle
├── badwolf
├── calendar
├── color~
├── Jellybeans
├── tagbar
├── TwitVim
├── vim-airline
├── vim-colorschemes
├── vim-colors-solarized
└── vizardry
The problem may be the following lines on your .vimrc
" This line should not be removed as it ensures that various options are
" properly set to work with the Vim-related packages available in Debian.
runtime! debian.vim
On $VIMRUNTIME/debian.vim
there is a line that reset the runtime path:
" Debian system-wide default configuration Vim
set runtimepath=~/.vim,/var/lib/vim/addons,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/vim74,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,/var/lib/vim/addons/after,~/.vim/after
The problem doesn't happens when the .vimrc is loaded on startup because these lines are executed before call pathogen#infect()
. When you reload your .vimrc you are overwriting your &rtp
, but pathogen doesn't set it again (possible because s:done_bundles
is already set).