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RoboGuice @Observes do not work in release build

I'm using RoboGuice's EventManager in my app as shown here

and it works perfectly in debug build, but the events do not trigger in release build - probably due to ProGuard obfuscation.

I tried to keep the relevant methods and classes from ProGuard's handling, but I guess I'm doing something wrong:

This is what I tried ProGuard config

-keep class*                          # keep all the event classes
-keepclasseswithmembers class * { void on*Event(*); }   # keep methods named on*Event,  eg. onUserClickedEvent

my main activity class has handlers such as:

public void onUserClickedEvent( @Observes UserClicked  event) {


  • Solved after reading more about Proguard... I changed functions signature and modified the Proguard config to this:

    -keep class*  
    -keepclasseswithmembers class * { 
       void onEvent*(...); 