I'm using RoboGuice's EventManager in my app as shown here https://code.google.com/p/roboguice/wiki/Events#Creating_your_Own_Events
and it works perfectly in debug build, but the events do not trigger in release build - probably due to ProGuard obfuscation.
I tried to keep the relevant methods and classes from ProGuard's handling, but I guess I'm doing something wrong:
This is what I tried ProGuard config
-keep class com.myapp.events.* # keep all the event classes
-keepclasseswithmembers class * { void on*Event(*); } # keep methods named on*Event, eg. onUserClickedEvent
my main activity class has handlers such as:
public void onUserClickedEvent( @Observes UserClicked event) {
Solved after reading more about Proguard... I changed functions signature and modified the Proguard config to this:
-keep class com.myapp.events.*
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
void onEvent*(...);