I have an ArrayList which has objects of type Person. Person class has fields name, address1, address2, city, state, postcode and country. I want to be able to edit a particular person and then update the changes such that the ListAdapter which displays the Persons shows updated data. This ListView is contained in RecipientActivity (Activity A)
In the custom Adapter I start the Activity RecipientAddressActivity (Activity B) using an intent in the TextView's onClick event:
holder.txtRecName.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent rec_Intent = new Intent(context,
In the Activity B I get the Current_Recipient and the index in onCreate() event like this:
current_rec = (Person) getIntent().getSerializableExtra(
Recipient_Index = getIntent().getIntExtra("RecipientIndex", 151);
In the same activity, I have a button "Save" and on its Onclick I create a Person object which can be either a new Person or an old person being edited.
Button Save's onClick() event
Intent Recipient_info = new Intent();
Person recipient = new Person(edt_rec_name.getText().toString(),
edt_rec_city.getText().toString(), edt_rec_state.getText().toString(),
edt_rec_pcode.getText().toString(), edt_rec_country.getText().toString());
Recipient_info.putExtra("Person", recipient);
Recipient_info.putExtra("RecipientIndex", Recipient_Index);
setResult(RESULT_OK, Recipient_info);
The problem is there are 2 ways of starting Activity B. I don't know where or how to catch the result when Actvity B is started using ListView's Adapter.
Please help me asap. Kindly let me know if some more code or explanation is required.
I have noticed that in your code:
you are not starting activity as activityForResult
check that and try now! if you still face this problem than here are some links, that will be useful in your problem:
calling onActivityResult from CustomArray adapter
onActivityResult in not called in the class extended from ArrayAdapter
How to add item in Custom listView in onActivityResult method?