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Pusher event is triggered twice

I'm using Pusher ( to trigger notification to all logged in clients whenever the admin sends one.

For some reason the event is shooting twice, although I only trigger it once.

Client side subscription code:

var handleToastrListener = function() {

     var pusher = new Pusher("913284db62a0cc237db4");
     var channel = pusher.subscribe('toastr-channel');

           channel.bind('new-toast', function(data) {

            toastr.options = data.options;
            var $toast = toastr[data.scf](data.msg, data.title);

           return true;



Server side publish code (PHP using pusher package):

 $pusher->trigger('toastr-channel', 'new-toast', $input );

The Pusher debug console shows that only one message was received.

The pusher-js Javascript logging, however, shows two messages:

Pusher : Event recd : {"event":"new-toast","data":{"options":{"positionClass":"toast-top-right","onclick":"","showDuration":"1000","hideDuration":"1000","timeOut":"5000","extendedTimeOut":"1000","showEasing":"swing","hideEasing":"linear","showMethod":"fadeIn","hideMethod":"fadeOut"},"title":"Toastr Notifications","msg":"Gnome & Growl type non-blocking notifications","scf":"success"},"channel":"toastr-channel"} app.js:143
Pusher : Event recd : {"event":"new-toast","data":{"options":{"positionClass":"toast-top-right","onclick":"","showDuration":"1000","hideDuration":"1000","timeOut":"5000","extendedTimeOut":"1000","showEasing":"swing","hideEasing":"linear","showMethod":"fadeIn","hideMethod":"fadeOut"},"title":"Toastr Notifications","msg":"Gnome & Growl type non-blocking notifications","scf":"success"},"channel":"toastr-channel"}

looking further I found the subscription occurs twice, although I call it only once:

Pusher : Event sent : {"event":"pusher:subscribe","data":{"channel":"toastr-channel"}} app.js:143
Pusher : Event recd : {"event":"pusher_internal:subscription_succeeded","data":{},"channel":"toastr-channel"} app.js:143
Pusher : No callbacks on toastr-channel for pusher:subscription_succeeded app.js:143
Pusher : State changed : connecting -> connected app.js:143
Pusher : Event sent : {"event":"pusher:subscribe","data":{"channel":"toastr-channel"}} app.js:143
Pusher : Event recd : {"event":"pusher_internal:subscription_succeeded","data":{},"channel":"toastr-channel"} app.js:143
Pusher : No callbacks on toastr-channel for pusher:subscription_succeeded 


  • Two things you should definitely take a look at and update your question appropriately:

    1. The Pusher Debug Console - is the event shown twice in there?
    2. pusher-js JavaScript logging - is the event being logged as incoming twice?

    The other common problem here is that sometimes events may have been bound to twice - hence, two callbacks. However, your code doesn't suggest that this is happening.