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Rally SDK 2 manually filter or specify rallycardboard columns displayed

I am trying to create a simple rallycardboard app that displays projects as columns with the project backlog stories as cards. Then allow the drag/drop of cards to set the project. Code is attached.

If I specify 'Project" as the attribute, the board contains columns for all projects in the workspace. I wish to limit the columns shown to either

  1. Scoped parent and children, or
  2. Code a list of project columns. I have tried the manipulate the columns, columnConfig, context settings, but nothing produces the desired results.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>CardBoard Example</title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/apps/2.0rc2/sdk.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            Rally.onReady(function() {
                Ext.define('ProjBoard', {
                    extend: '',
                    launch: function() {
                        if (cardBoardConfig) {
                        var cardBoardConfig = {
                            xtype: 'rallycardboard',
                            types: ['User Story'],
                            attribute: 'Project',
                            fieldToDisplay: 'Project',
                            cardConfig: {
                                fields: ['Project', 'Parent','Iteration']
                            storeConfig: {
                                filters: [
                                    { property: 'ScheduleState', operator: '<', value: 'In-Progress' },
                                    { property: 'Iteration', operator: '=', value: '' }
                                sorters: [
                                    { property: 'Rank', direction: 'DESC' }
                                //Specify current project and scoping
                                context: this.getContext().getDataContext()
                Rally.launchApp('ProjBoard', {
                  name: 'Backlog Project Board'
        <style type="text/css">


  • You should be able to specify the columns via config:!/api/Rally.ui.cardboard.CardBoard-cfg-columns

    columns: [
            value: '/project/12345',
            columnHeaderConfig: {
                headerTpl: '{project}',
                headerData: {project: 'Project 1'}
        //more columns...