I'm trying to improve my generic architecture, and I've decided that a system that uses this type of ambiguous context referencing would be ideal for my purposes. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to get the syntax to work. I don't even know if something like this is possible! I have slightly shiestier alternatives that accomplish mostly the same thing but this would be best:
class IContained
virtual int getInt() = 0;
typedef std::shared_ptr<IContained>IContainedPtr;
template<template<class RefType, RefType& itsRef> class ContainedType>
class TestClass
TestClass() :
myContained(new ContainedType < TestClass, *this>())
int getContextInt()
return 3;
IContainedPtr myContained;
template<class RefType, RefType& itsRef>
class Contained:
virtual public IContained
int getInt()
return itsRef.getContextInt();
TestClass<Contained> myTest();
int thing = myTest.myContained->getInt();
EXPECT_EQ(thing, 3);
I am not sure what do you want to implement but I can explain why you are not able to use
as template argument. Templates provide you with compile-time polymorphism. It means that all templates arguments should be known at compile time.
is a class instance variable, is an address of class instance, so it could not be determined during compilation. The same as