This is my code and it always seems to think that %filePath% exists, when I assume you it does not. No P:\Production\Database_backup\02182014-Database0400.mdb
at all. My desktop is just for the testing before this gets used on he production DB
set "PublishDest=P:\Production\Database_backup\"
set source=C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\*
set "currDate=%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~10,4%"
Set "fileName=%currDate%-Database0400.mdb"
Set "filePath=%PublishDest%%fileName%"
if exist %filePath% (
ECHO %filePath%
ECHO you made it in here!
::IF prev backup on same day, increment all old backups and move current to first old
When I turned @echo on so I could see exactly what I was running, I saw that I was asking
IF EXIST P:\Production\Database_backup\02182014-Database0400.mdb
Hmm I thought, would perhaps some Quotations help? So I typed it in the first time (instead of using the variable)
IF EXIST "P:\Production\Database_backup\02182014-Database0400.mdb"
Worked like a charm!
So, I replaced if exist %filePath% (
with if exist "%filePath%" (
and suddenly there were angels all around singing their beautiful song