First off, Neo4jClient is amazing! Thank you!
Was reading how to delete nodes and inbound relationships here but got stuck for a while:
.Where((User user) => user.Id == 123)
.Delete("r, user")
Anytime i tried executing the code above, i'd always get an error of "?" has been depreciated and use an alternate Cypher query.
After some investigating, i found the following works:
.Where((User user) => user.Id == 123)
.Delete("r, user")
You will see the notice in the above code block that we exchange Match for OptionalMatch and remove the "?" by the relationship.
This could be an answer so i marked as a answer however, is this the correct way to do this now and the Neo4jClient (v.645) has not been updated yet to reflect the deprecation? Or am i doing something wrong? Or does this method create unintended consequences with larger data sets and more relationships on each now?