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Values of Listbox with Seesaw

is there any way i can get the values of a Listbox in seesaw as a collection, that Clojure can handle?

The most i've got was a JList, which Clojure can't handle.

/edit: To Clarify: For Example i want to get all of the Elements of a Listbox and conj a new Element onto them. But Because the return value of the listbox is a JList, Clojure naturally can't do that.

I can't seem to find any method to extract all Elements from the listbox.


  • See this. You can use getModel method to get ListModel. And then use getElementAt and getSize method to build array or list or whatever you want.

    (def data (into-array String ["one" "two" "three" "four"]))
    (def myList (JList. data))
    (->> myList 
        ((juxt identity (memfn getSize))) 
        ((fn [[a b]] (map #(.getElementAt a %) (range b)))) 
        (apply vector) (#(conj % "five")))