Quick question, I am reading the textbook entitled "Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture" by Richard C. Detmer and on page 21 and 22 it talks about the concept of what a borrow is, but it doesnt really describe what it really is. Here is the text:
In a computer, subtraction a - b of numbers a and b is usually performed by taking the 2's complement of b and adding the result to a. This corresponds to adding the negation of b. For example, for the decimal subtraction 195 - 618 = -423,
00C3 - 026A
is changed to addition of FD96, the 2's complement of 026A.
00C3 + FD96 = FE59
The hex digits FE59 represent -423. Looking at the previous addition in binary, you have
0000 0000 1100 0011 + 1111 1101 1001 0110 = 1111 1110 0101 1001
Notice that there was no carry in the addition. However, this subtraction did involve a borrow. A borrow occurs in the subtraction a - b when b is larger than a as unsigned numbers. Computer hardware can detect a borrow in subtraction by looking at whether a carry occurred in the corresponding addition. If there is no carry in the addition, then there is a borrow in the subtraction. If there is a carry in the addition, then there is no borrow in the subtraction. (Remember that "carry" by itself means "carry out.")
Here is one more example. Doing the decimal subtraction 985 - 411 = 574 using word-length 2's complement representations,
03D9 - 019B
is changed to addition of FE65, the 2's complement of 019B.
03D9 + FE65 = 1023E
0000 0011 1101 1001 + 1111 1110 0110 0101 = 1 0000 0010 0011 1110
Discarding the extra 1, the hex digits 023E represent 574. This addition has a carry, so there is no borrow in the corresponding subtract.
What really is a borrow with subtraction? I thought when for example 00C3 - 026A, the A is bigger than the 3, so we must "borrow" from the corresponding C by making it a B and making it now 13 (base 16) minus A. That we can do, but a "borrow" occured. In this particular example a borrow in the contexts of the book did occur. But when we look at the next example they gave us 03D9 - 019B, the B is bigger than the 9 so we must "borrow" from the D by making it a C and making the 9 a 19 (base 16) minus B. That we can do, and a "borrow" occured but the book stated that a borrow did not happen.
What is a borrow? I know you know if one occurred by whether a carry happened in the addition but doing raw subtraction, what is really a borrow. When can I identify if one occurred?
For example you know a carry occurred because there is an extra hex digit. The length went out of the length of your two hex numbers (length desired to stay within).
Thank you.
Take some 4 bit numbers to make it easier, number of bits doesnt matter 32 bits works the same way just more columns...
We dont actually subtract we add the negative number a - b = a + (-b) and we know that for twos complement the negative of a number you "invert and add one".
So to subtract 7 - 5 we want to add 0111 + ((~0101) + 1)
1 plus one
+ 1010 inverted 0101
we invert the second operand 0101 becomes 1010 and the carry in of the first column is a one.
finish the math
+ 1010
so the answer is 0010 which is 2 decimal. Which is the right answer. Now if the raw carry out bit is a 1 that means THERE WAS NO BORROW. I saw raw because some architectures, if the operation was a subtract will invert the raw carry out when placing it in the processor status register carry flag. Some architectures do, some, dont, so long as you know how it works and can create a simple test you dont have to memorize...
Now go the other way 5 - 7.
+ 1000 (inverted 0111)
So the answer is negative two and the RAW carry out is a 0 indicating there was a borrow. If your architecture inverts the carry out then you would see this as a 1 for borrow...
What comes out of the carry for an ADD operation needs to match what goes in as the carry in for an add with carry operation. What comes out for a SUB operation needs to go back in as a subtract with borrow operation if your architecture has that instruction.
Where the borrow comes into play is this 5-7=-2 case think of the 4 bit subtract as being
10101 0101 plus a fifth bit there to borrow from if we need it
- 0111
if you subtract 0x1A - 0x7 on a calculator you get 0xE. We needed that bit to borrow from, it is an exercise to the reader to try to do binary subtraction by hand (very easy), its just not how hardware does it though...perhaps now you see why we use twos complement...
So in general subtract means use the add operation, but ones complement invert the second operand on the way into the adder. Either force the carry in to be a 1 or invert the carry in (invert carry in and invert second operand). Some invert the carry out (invert carry in invert second operand invert carry out if subtract).
Reading your other questions. Lets take our four bit system and cascade it into two two bit systems so lets say for example we want to subtract 4 bit numbers 5 - 3. 0101 - 0011 but we only have two bit registers and a two bit adder. We have to start with the low order two bits first 01 - 11 = 01 + (-01) = 01 + ((~01) + 1)
setup like this, a subtract
+ 00
then finish the math
+ 00
so the low two bits of our answer is 10, now we have to cascade the carry out as a carry in to the next operation a subtract with borrow the operands are 01 and 00 (upper bits of 0101 - 0011)
110 carry out from lower order operation
+ 11 inverted operand
so our whole answer is 0010 and the carry out is a 1 so no borrow. 5-3=2 that worked.
Lets see it this way as a four bit
+ 1100
+ 1100
in order to split that into two bit operations we literally split it at two bit intervals starting from the right
110 011
01 01
+ 11 00
==== ===
00 10
the right most, low order operation is a normal subtract with a fixed 1 as a carry in. the subtract with borrow is used for any further operations for other upper bits and the carry out of the prior operation is the carry in of the current subtract with borrow.
THAT is why the final carry out is what is important not individual ones along the way, because when we use the processor to do bigger operations that carry out is the one that goes inverted or not into the carry flag in our psr, and then is used as the carry in (inverted or not) in the subtract with borrow (if your processor has one).
We can do one where the carry is a one as well... 5 - 1
four bit setup
+ 1110
four bit execute
+ 1110
then literally split that into two bit operations to see how it would look if we had 2 bit registers and an alu rather than a four bit.
111 111
01 01
+ 11 10
==== ===
01 00
the carry out of the sub on the right becomes the carry in of the subtract with borrow. if your processor architecture inverts that raw carry out when it goes to the carry bit in the psr, then that architecture will also invert it on the way into the subtract with borrow.
Sometimes the processor documentation is such that you can tell from the signed and unsigned branch if less than or greater than, etc whether or not the carry flag is inverted. Sometimes it is easier just to do an experiment.