please help me with simplifying this one. I am a bit new to these..
(A'BC') + (A'B'C) + (A'BC) + (AB'C)
the book i use shows and answer, which is,
Answer = A'B + B'C
I tried simplifying, but I get stucked with two eXors,
my simplification so far goes like this...
(A'BC') + (A'B'C) + (A'BC) + (AB'C)
A (BC' + B'C) + C (A'B + AB')
This doesn't seem to be a write way, Please someone help me simplify this,
and please show step by step, as I am sort of new..
Also I don't get how to simplify eXor further..
You have the Rule X' + X = True
. SO
(A'BC') + (A'B'C) + (A'BC) + (AB'C) =
(A'BC') + (A'BC) + (A'B'C) + (AB'C) = // just permuting the terms
A'B(C' + C) + (A' + A)B'C = // factoring
A'B + B'C