I am trying to truncate a text field that is sometimes extremely large or at other times it is null from the database i.e
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.MainBiography)
and replace with three dots at the end.
I have tried the substring function but keep getting errors.
Any pointers, thanks!
The ... is not hugely important so I tried using
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.MainBiography.Substring(0,10))
and get the following error codes:
System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code HResult=-2146233079 Message=Templates can be used only with field access, property access, single-dimension array index, or single-parameter custom indexer expressions. Source=System.Web.Mvc –
You're better off creating a different property in the model, to pick up the MainBiography
and eventually cut it short.
Like this:
// This is your property (sampled)
public string MainBiography { get; set; }
//How long do you want your property to be at most ?
//(Best practice advices against magic numbers)
private int MainBiographyLimit = 100;
//You probably need this if you want to use .LabelFor()
//and let this property mimic the "full" one
[Display(Name="Main Biography")]
public string MainBiographyTrimmed
if (this.MainBiography.Length > this.MainBiographyLimit)
return this.MainBiography.Substring(0, this.MainBiographyLimit) + "...";
return this.MainBiography;
Usage would be
@Html.DisplayFor(item => item.MainBiographyTrimmed)
Another approach would be to build a full-fledged view model, but I find it overkill more often than not.