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How to calculate integral() at points where function returns constant

I calculate this integral.

integral(@(x) f, xmin, xmax);

At x = a, f(a) = constant and the integral(@(x) constant, xmin, xmax) returns errors.


  1. How can I make this work at x = a.
  2. How to detect if the function returns constant?


  • this will solve the problem:

    fun = @(x) 5;

    according to Mathworks: Array-valued function flag, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ArrayValued' and either false, true, 0, or 1. Set this flag to true when you want to integrate over an array-valued function. The shape of fun(x) can be a vector, matrix, or N-D array.

    Example: 'ArrayValued',true indicates that the integrand is an array-valued function.