I have written the following pointcut but it is giving the run time error (Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError)
pointcut traceAttribs():(get(* *));
What I understand from your question is that you need to create an aspect that knows your methods argument in real time.
There is a useful simple examples in Mkyong's page and probably your need is on point 8.
If you want to get a method name and arguments in your aspect you could write something like this:
public class LoggingAspect {
@Around("execution(* com.your.package.YourClass.yourMethodAround(..))")
public void logAround(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
System.out.println("Your method: " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());
System.out.println("and method arguments: " + Arrays.toString(joinPoint.getArgs()));
System.out.println("Your method will be executed. ");
joinPoint.proceed(); //continue on the intercepted method
System.out.println("Ended execution");
Hope to help