I need to find the offset of a local symbol in a shared library on OS X. Local symbol as in non-exported symbol. Therefore dyld("symbol_name")
will not work.
I can however use nm
to find these offsets, for example
$ nm /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/DesktopServicesPriv | grep -e ChildSetLabel -e NodeVolumeEject
000000000006cccd T _NodeVolumeEject
000000000009dbd7 t __ChildSetLabel
There we see the exported (T
) symbol NodeVolumeEject
which's offset 0x6cccd
I can easily reveal using dyld("NodeVolumeEject")
. dyld()
will reveal the address in the current address space but I'm happy with either the offset in the shared library or the absolute address in the address space. Additionally, there's the local (t
) symbol _ChildSetLabel
which's offset (0x9dbd7
) I cannot reveal using dyld()
I'd like to be able to do this resolution programmatically (without gobjdump
, nm
, otool
, or any other external program). Is there an "easy" way to achieve that? The source code of the tools mentioned above contains the needed code but I wonder if there isn't something more straightforward.
Domain: The solution has only to work on OS X 10.8 or better for x86_64 MachO binaries.
Clarification: I would be happy to figure out the absolute offset in the current offset (which due to ASLR) is not static obviously. But I'm also happy to figure out the offset relative to the start of that library, which remains static (until recompile). The part from "address in the library" to "address in the address space" is quite easy:
off_t sym_offset_child_set_label = ANSWER_TO_THIS_QUESTION("_ChildSetLabel");
Dl_info info;
void *abs_volume_eject = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "NodeVolumeEject");
void *abs_child_set_label = NULL;
if (dladdr(abs_volume_eject, &info)) {
abs_child_set_label = (void *)((char *)info.dli_fbase + sym_offset_child_set_label);
/* abs_child_set_label now points to the function in question */
This is, as long as _ChildSetLabel
and NodeVolumeEject
are in the same shared library enough. Therefore, ASLR is not an issue here.
Another possibility (what I ended up using) is Apple's private CoreSymbolication
void *resolve_private(const char *symbol_owner, const char *symbol_to_resolve)
task_t targetTask;
int err = task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), getpid(), &targetTask);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't get my Mach task\n");
return NULL;
CSSymbolicatorRef targetSymbolicator;
targetSymbolicator = CSSymbolicatorCreateWithTaskFlagsAndNotification(targetTask,
^(uint32_t notification_type, CSNotificationData data) {
if(CSIsNull(targetSymbolicator)) {
fprintf("CSSymbolicatorCreateWithTaskFlagsAndNotification failed\n");
return NULL;
__block CSSymbolOwnerRef symbolOwner = kCSNull;
^(CSSymbolOwnerRef owner) {
symbolOwner = owner;
if (CSIsNull(symbolOwner)) {
fprintf("CSSymbolicatorForeachSymbolOwnerWithNameAtTime failed\n");
return NULL;
__block uintptr_t p = (uintptr_t)NULL;
CSSymbolOwnerForeachSymbol(symbolOwner, ^(CSSymbolRef symbol) {
const char *symbol_name = CSSymbolGetMangledName(symbol);
if (0 == strcmp(symbol_name, symbol_to_resolve)) {
p = CSSymbolGetRange(symbol).location;
if ((uintptr_t)NULL == p) {
fprintf("symbol not found\n");
return NULL;
} else {
return (void *)p;