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How to retrieve related records on Quickblox custom objects?

I know how to create relation:

QBCustomObject customObject = new QBCustomObject("Comment"); // your Class name
customObject.put(fieldHealth, 99);
customObject.put("text", "The first film in the series was...");

QBCustomObjects.createObject(qbCustomObject, new QBCallbackImpl() {
public void onComplete(Result result) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
        QBCustomObjectResult qbCustomObjectResult = (QBCustomObjectResult) result;
        QBCustomObject qbCustomObject = qbCustomObjectResult.getCustomObject();
        Log.d("New record: ",newCustomObject.toString());
    } else {

But, how to retrieve when i have the parent id?


  • You should do a separate request for this:

    QBCustomObjectRequestBuilder requestBuilder = new QBCustomObjectRequestBuilder();
    requestBuilder.eq("_parent_id", "50aa4d8fefa357fa14000001");
    QBCustomObjects.getObjects(CLASS_NAME, requestBuilder, new QBCallbackImpl(){...