How can the SOCKET recv function modify the value of the scalar $PDU directly? Usually this syntax is a pass by value not a pass by reference, I assumed up to now at least.
my $PDU;
my $addr = $socket->recv($PDU, MAXBYTES);
I want to use this effect for my own purpose so best would be a handy test subroutine which depicts how this can be achieved.
my $PDU="orig";
sub test {
my $par1=shift;
print "$PDU\n";
As you know this will result into "orig" not "test".
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards, Hermann
Your function should be well documented when having such behavior,
my $PDU="orig";
sub test {
$_[0] = "test";
print "$PDU\n";
sub test {
my ($par1) = map \$_, @_;
$$par1 = "test";