Search code examples

In Dynamics CRM, how do I enable wildcard (*) search by default in Quick Find?

In crm 2011 On-premise we had Quick Find that added automatic * at the beginning of any text search. Now it is not working.

In all lookups we have if we write abc in search it automatically adds * at the begininig but in Quick Find it does not functioning the same like lookup.

I googled it but cannot find any work around. Before Rollup 14 we were having this thing working.


  • I have found an answer.

    1. Go to the following path and find "stage.js" file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb_static_common\scripts\"

    2. Create a backup copy of this file before any modification, so that you have the original copy too

    3. Open "stage.js" in a text editor such as EmEditor

    4. Find the following line of code:

    5. Now change it to :

      sFindCriteria=Trim(findCriteria.value.replace(/[\*]+/,"*"));if (sFindCriteria != "" && sFindCriteria.substr(0, 1) != "*") sFindCriteria = "*" + sFindCriteria;findCriteria.value=sFindCriteria;
    6. Save the file and try Quick Find to see the change

    I am updting this answer today (23rd-Dec-2015) because i found a better solution i posted here:

    CRM 2011 Quick Find Search using default wildcard (*) automatically