I'm creating a file that isn't really a csv file, but SuperCSV can help me to make the creation of this file easier. The structure of the file uses different lengths for each line, following a layout that don't separate the different information. So, to know which information has in one line you need look at the first 2 characters (the name of the register), count the characters and extract it by size.
I've configured SuperCSV to use empty delimiter, however, the created file is using a space where it should have nothing.
public class TarefaGerarArquivoRegistrosFiscais implements ITarefa {
private static final CsvPreference FORMATO_ANEXO_IV = new CsvPreference.Builder('"', '\0' , "\r\n").build();
public void processar() {
try {
writer = new CsvListWriter(getFileWriter(), FORMATO_ANEXO_IV);
} finally {
if (writer != null)
I'm doing something wrong? '\0' is the correct code for a null char?
It's probably not what you want to hear, but I wouldn't recommend using Super CSV for this (and I'm a committer!). Its sole purpose is to deal with delimited files - and you're not using delimiters.
You could misuse Super CSV by creating a wrapper object (containing your List) whose toString()
method simply concatenates all of the values together, then passing that single object to writer.write()
, but it's an awful hack.
I'd recommend either finding another library more suited to your problem, or writing your own solution.