I'm having trouble configuring the waitOn
portion of a route where one of the subscription's parameters is determined by the value from a doc that comes from a different subscription.
The collections in play are Candidates and Interviews. An interview will have one and only one candidate. Here's some sample data:
candidate = {
_id: 1
firstName: 'Some',
lastName: 'Developer'
//other props
interview = {
_id: 1,
candidateId: 1
//other props
The route is configured as follows.
this.route('conductInterview', {
path: '/interviews/:_id/conduct', //:_id is the interviewId
waitOn: function () {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('singleInterview', this.params._id),
// don't know the candidateId to lookup because it's stored
// in the interview doc
Meteor.subscribe('singleCandidate', ???),
data: function () {
var interview = Interviews.findOne(this.params._id);
return {
interview: interview,
candidate: Candidates.findOne(interview.candidateId);
The problem is that I don't have a candidateId to pass to the singleCandidate
subscription in the waitOn
method because it's stored in the interview doc.
I've thought of two possible solutions, but I don't really like either of them. The first is to change the route to something like /interviews/:_id/:candidateId/conduct
. The second is to denormalize the data and store the candidate's info in the interview doc.
Are there any other options to accomplish this besides those two?
You can change your publish function singleCandidate to take interviewId as paramater instead of candidateId and pass this.params._id