I am using the ecsliding for a menu in my app. I was wondering how to know when the menu is open and when it has control. I am trying to do themes in the menu and am having issues because I "reset" the colours on viewdidload and viewdidappear (for the main "top" view controller").
Essentially :
User opens menu, selects colour, closes menu and colours should change... but since the rightviewcontroller is not actually being fully "added" I don't think the viewdidload and viewdidappear methods get called when I close the menu...
Sorry for the rambling...
Any help?
According to the docs you should be able to interrogate the currentTopViewPosition property.
This is defined as
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ECSlidingViewControllerTopViewPosition) {
/** The top view is on anchored to the left */
/** The top view is on anchored to the right */
/** The top view is centered */
It looks like you can access the instance of ECSlidingViewController
that contains your view controller using the UIViewController(ECSlidingViewController)category method