I have a text file with thousands of entries (the nodes of a mesh) like
7.40000000000060391E+01 7.40000866410523770E+00
1.05000000970718801E+01 6.40000007900613273E+01
2.40500000000000321E+02 2.40000000428227065E+00
6.00000000000000000E+00 3.70000085530326430E+01
7.40000019596598406E+01 6.40000000000000000E+01
3.10000144967919340E+01 1.92000112854581857E+01
6.40000000000000000E+01 6.40004500000000000E+01
where some of my entries have a small error that I would like to remove. I am using textpad. I would like to keep the first numbers until I found a triple zero and set all the other decimal digits to zero. The example above would read:
7.40000000000000000E+01 7.40000000000000000E+00
1.05000000000000000E+01 6.40000000000000000E+01
2.40500000000000000E+02 2.40000000000000000E+00
6.00000000000000000E+00 3.70000000000000000E+01
7.40000000000000000E+01 6.40000000000000000E+01
3.10000000000000000E+01 1.92000000000000000E+01
6.40000000000000000E+01 6.40000000000000000E+01
Any suggestion? Thanks Alberto
If you don't have JGSoft or a .NET engine near to you, you can try regexhero.net. It's an online regular expression tester powered by .NET !
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