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How to get Disconnect Event from GATT Server on Bluez/Linux

Environment: Bluez 5.14, Linux 3.1, USB Plugable BLE radio, TI BLE keyfob (CC2541 dev kit) Linux Device <---hci----> USB BLE Radio

We enabled key press events on TI keyfob using gatttool and started to listen for events

gatttool -b [hardware ID] --char-write-req -a [handle] -n [value] --listen 
(gatttool -b 90:59:AF:09:E1:5D --char-write-req -a 0x0048 -n 0100 --listen)

Pressing buttons on the keyfob and see these events

Notification handle = 0x0047 value: 02 
Notification handle = 0x0047 value: 00 
Notification handle = 0x0047 value: 02

Hence we can receive the key press events from the Keyfob through the Bluez stack


We need to catch the GATT Disconnect Event i.e. When we remove the battery from the keyfob sooner or later the GATT connection is broken. We would like to receive a disconnect event from Bluez stack. Bluez has this capability since Android supports GATT disconnect event which is built over Bluez.


How do we receive the GATT Disconnect event using Bluez command line hcitool/gatttool or Bluez API.


  • Watch for G_IO_HUP and shutdown gracefully.

    chan = gatt_connect(opt_src, opt_dst, opt_dst_type, opt_sec_level,
                    opt_psm, opt_mtu, connect_cb, &gerr);
    if (chan == NULL) {
        log_printf(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"%s: chan is NULL\n",__func__);
        log_printf(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"%s\n", gerr->message);
    } else {
        log_printf(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"Connected to %s\n",opt_dst);
        g_io_add_watch(chan, G_IO_HUP, channel_watcher, NULL);