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Require a single module from a bundled library (i.e. jquery-ui)

I am creating an application with durandal, which means I'm using requirejs. I decided to use the mighty knockout-sortable plugin. As it turns out, it uses jquery-ui features internally, which is nice. I also have defined the whole jquery-ui package in my app, so in my requirejs configuration it figures as

"jqueryui": "../Scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom",

What is more, the plugins author is using AMD loading to get jquery.ui.sortable, and here's the problem. The jquery-ui doesn't seem to define itself with requirejs, neither the whole package nor single modules.

Do I have to import any module from jquery-ui separately and for each define path in requirejs config so it is explicitly visible or is there a way to tell requirejs that there's already this jquery.ui.sortable module around inside jquery-ui that the plugin is asking for?


  • You should be able to setup a simple alias either using a path requirejs config

    paths: {
      'jquery.ui.sortable': 'jquery-ui'

    Or if that doesn't work, you could use the map config

    map: {
      '*': {
        'jquery.ui.sortable': 'jquery-ui'

    Or when using map, you could even only setup alias for that one plugin

    map: {
        'jquery.ui.sortable': 'jquery-ui'

    That last one makes it so that whevener the plugin in question makes a require("jquery.ui.sortable") call it actually pulls in jquery-ui module which you know has the sortable functionality built in already.

    There also exists a jquery-ui-amd project which I quite like using. That project converts all jquery-ui modules into individual AMD modules You could use that for an easier and more modular integration into your project. However, even then you would need some aliasing as your plugin requires jquery.ui.sortable, but in jquery-ui-amd the id would be jquery-ui/sortable.