Feels like there's probably a simple answer to this, but I haven't been able to find it.
The scenario in question is a C# .NET Console app.
I commonly use DebugDiag 1.2 to examine .dmp files that come from hangs we experience - usually thread locking issues. They are created using DebugDiag's "Create Full Userdump" option.
I recently began compiling the app targeting .NET 4 in preparation for starting to use some of .NET 4's features. However, I noticed that when analyzing these .dmp files with DebugDiag, all the .NET stack information is missing.
If I change the CLR target back to .NET 3.5, and capture a .dmp from the new executable, the .NET call stack information is there.
When I look at the output of DebugDiag, I see one note that says:
CLR Information
CLR version = 4.0.30319.17929 CLR Debugger Extension = C:\Program Files\DebugDiag\Exts\psscor4.dll
.NET Threads Summary
Failed to request ThreadStore
I presume that 'Failed to Requested ThreadStore' is the key to the issue, since the .NET 3.5 .DMP file (which is using psscor2.dll) reports all the thread information under the 'Threads Summary' header.
Is the issue that the .dmp is missing information, or DebugDiag is unable to retrieve it for some reason?
Ultimately, this one solved itself. I sent a question to Microsoft about it, and they said that DebugDiag 1.1 does not support .NET 4+. They released v1.2 not too long ago, which does - works like a charm again: