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How to configure PlantUML for JetBrains IDE on OS X Mavericks 10.9.1

I used to use this plugin when I worked with Java EE in Eclipse. It was very handy to write logic diagrams as a part of self documented code.

How can I use it with RubyMine?


  • 1) Install this plugin in RubyMine

    • go to Preferences -> Plugins
    • Click Browse repositories and search for PlantUML
    • Select this plugin in the list to the right and choose Download and Install in the popup menu
    • Restart IDE

    2) In the command line install libtool and graphviz

    brew install libtool

    brew install graphviz

    3) open some ruby file and add this code for a test (use block comment to isolate UML diagram from ruby translator =begin =end)


    4) Go to menu View -> Tool Windows -> PlantUML

    It should display

    The environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT has not been set
    Dot executable is /usr/local/bin/dot
    Dot version: ...
    Installation seems OK. File generation OK

    Another example from official website

    :First Actor:
      :Another actor: as Men2
    actor Men3
    actor :Last actor: as Men4