I am having an issue getting the inner array key/value pairs correctly. I have the outer array correct but the inner arrays just have index numbers as keys instead of me setting the key to what I am wanting. Seems like I'm missing a step in the formation of the inner array but I'm not sure what it is.
My current code now:
$path = './downloads/Current/v5.5/';
$blacklist = array('orig55205Web', 'SQL Files', '.', '..');
foreach (new DirectoryIterator($path) as $folder) {
if($folder->isDot() || in_array($folder, $blacklist)) continue;
if($folder->isDir()) {
$item = $folder->getFilename();
$versions[$item] = array();
if ($handle = opendir($path . $item)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (!in_array($file, $blacklist)) {
array_push($versions[$item], $file);
$versions[$item] = array_values($versions[$item]);
My output looks like this currently:
[55106Web] => Array
[0] => 55106.txt
[1] => ClientSetup.exe
[2] => ClientSetup32.exe
[3] => Setup.exe
[4] => Setup32.exe
[55122Web] => Array
[0] => 55122.txt
[1] => ClientSetup.exe
[2] => ClientSetup32.exe
[3] => Setup.exe
[4] => Setup32.exe
What i WANT it to output:
[55106Web] => Array
[Version] => 55106.txt
[CS64] => ClientSetup.exe
[CS32] => ClientSetup32.exe
[S64] => Setup.exe
[S32] => Setup32.exe
[55122Web] => Array
[Version] => 55122.txt
[CS64] => ClientSetup.exe
[CS32] => ClientSetup32.exe
[S64] => Setup.exe
[S32] => Setup32.exe
There are two issues here. First, you're not doing anything that assigns string-based indexes to the inner array.
Second, even if you were, those indexes would be removed as a result of your use of array_values From the docs array_values() returns all the values from the array and indexes the array numerically.
So you should assign the indexes (see below), and remove the call to array_values
This may not exactly suit your needs 100%, but should get you going in the right direction.
$indexesArray = array("Version", "CS64", "CS32", "S64", "S32");
$i = 0;
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (!in_array($file, $blacklist)) {
$versions[$item][$indexesArray[$i]] = $file;