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How to upgrade subversion(svn) version 1.6.11 to version 1.8.5 on centos?

Hj, all

  • I'm use svn version 1.6.11 and i'm want to planning upgrade to version 1.8.5?
  • I'm run svn on centos 6.4, 64bit. Everyone help me planning upgrade svn?

And help will be greate, thanks a lot.


  • Centos uses the same versions of all of the RPM packages as RHEL which man not always have the latest and greatest packages. You can try fedora packages. However, you may discover that the libraries Fedora uses are newer versions of the libraries on Centos/RHEL.

    There s the EPEL project which is part of the Fedora Project that produces RHEL compatible packages that should work with Centos or RHEL.

    Or, you can install the Subversion Edge from CollabNet. This will not replace your old Subversion, but install a new version of Subversion. It also will install a new version of Apache httpd which is already integrated into Subversion, so you can use the http:// protocol with your Subversion repository. This way, you know everything works as planned.

    The only thing is that you will have to put the new installed binary directory into your path. I always link these optional component binaries to /usr/local/bin, and put /usr/local/bin in my PATH before /usr/bin and /bin. This way, I don't have to worry where things are installed, and I always get the version of the package I want.