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R - Adjusting squared root function with lm

I want to adjust a function like this:

fit4 = lm(mut ~ ent + score + wt + I(ent^2) + I(score^2) +I(wt^2))

when I summary(fit4) I get:

                          Estimate   Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)              -1.779381   0.086256 -20.629   <2e-16   
ent                       2.724036   0.072543  37.550   <2e-16   
score                     0.473230   0.009450  50.077   <2e-16   
wt                       -0.464216   0.031141 -14.907   <2e-16
I(ent^2)                 -0.473427   0.018814 -25.164   <2e-16
I(score^2)                0.030187   0.004851   6.222    5e-10
I(wt^2)                   0.043386   0.004609   9.413   <2e-16

Now I would like to obtain the same, but doing the root square error of the above function: sqrt(ent + score + wt + I(ent^2) + I(score^2) +I(wt^2)), but when I simply add "sqrt()", the summary returns something like:

(Intercept)          1.066025                                                                                                                    
I(sqrt(ent + score + wt + I(ent^2) + I(score^2) + I(wt^2))) -0.24028    

(and same for Std.Error, t-value, etc.)

How can I add "root squared" or "log" and still obtain the values for each element of the function?


  • You have to apply the function to all of them induvidually. So

    fit4 = lm(mut ~ log(ent) + log(score) + log(wt) + 
                    log(I(ent^2)) + log(I(score^2)) +log(I(wt^2)))

    will do the desired


    log(ent + score + wt + I(ent^2) + I(score^2) +I(wt^2))

    is interpreted as a single regressor. So to r it is like lm(mut~x) where x=log(...) instead of

    x=log(ent) + ... + log(I(wt^2))