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Adding rel and title to ASP.NET MVC Action Links

I decided primarily for SEO reasons to add the "rel" to my action link, but am not sure that the way I have gone about this is going to follow "best practices." I simply created a new Extension method as shown below.

Is this the best way to go about doing this? Are there things that should be modified in this approach?


<%= Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")
    .AddTitle("Russell Solberg")


public static string AddRel(this string link, string rel)
    var tempLink = link.Insert(link.IndexOf(">"), String.Format(" rel='{0}'", rel));
    return tempLink;

public static string AddTitle(this string link, string title)
    var tempLink = link.Insert(link.IndexOf(">"), String.Format(" title='{0}'", title));
    return tempLink;


  • You can add any extra html parameter very easily and don't need to write your own extension methods

    <%= Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home", null,
                         new { title="Russell Solberg", rel="me"}) %>