I've a Python file titled my_python_file.py
that makes, among other things, a .doc
file using the python-docx
module. The .doc
is created perfectly and gives no problem. The problem comes when I build a .exe
of my script and I try to make the .doc
. An AssertionError
problem appears.
This is my exe maker code (exe_maker.py
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, sys, os
options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 3, 'compressed': True, 'includes': ['lxml.etree', 'lxml._elementpath', 'gzip', 'docx']}},
windows = [{'script': "my_python_file.py"}],
zipfile = None,
It seems that moving the python script to a different location produces the error.
File "docx.pyc", line 1063, in savedocx
This is the savedocx
document = newdocument()
coreprops = coreproperties(title=title, subject=subject, creator=creator, keywords=keywords)
approps = appproperties()
contenttypes2 = contenttypes()
websettings2 = websettings()
wordrelationships2 = wordrelationships(relationships)
path_save = "C:\output"
savedocx(document, coreprops, approps, contenttypes2, websettings2, wordrelationships2, path_save)
The savedox
is well writen as it works when it's not an .exe
How can I make the docx
module work correctly? Do I've to add any other path/variable more when I make the exe?
Thanks in advance
I solved the problem by edditing the api.py
file of docx egg folder which is located in the Python folder of the system.
Changing this:
_thisdir = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
_default_docx_path = os.path.join(_thisdir, 'templates', 'default.docx')
To this:
thisdir = os.getcwd()
_default_docx_path = os.path.join(thisdir, 'templates', 'default.docx')
The first one was taking the actual running program and adding it to the path to locate the templates
The solution takes only the path, not the running program.