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Usage of scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp

I'm trying to use the scipy.optimize package to find the maximum of my cost function.

In this particular case: I have a list of prices which vary over the day. To make it easier, lets assume the day has 8 hours and the price in each hour are as follows:

price_list = np.array([1,2,6,8,8,5,2,1])

In this simplified case I want to select the 4 highest prices from that price_list. And for various reasons I don't want to simply sort and select the best four prices, but use some optimization algorithm. I have several constraints, therefore I decided to use the least square algorithm from scipy, scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp.

I first create a schedule for the hours I select:

schedule_list = np.zeros( len(price_list), dtype=float)

Next I need to define my inversed profit_function. For all selected hours I want to sum up my profit. While I want to optimize my schedule, the price_list is fixed, therefore I need to put it to the *args:

def price_func( schedule_list, *price_list ):
    return -1.*np.sum( schedule_list, price_list ) )

Once I understand how things work in principle I will move some stuff around. So long, I simply avoid using more *args and define my constraint with a hard coded number of hours to run. And I want my selected hours to be exactly 4, therefore I use an equality constrain:

def eqcon(x, *price_list):
    return sum( schedule_list ) - 4

Furthermore I want to restrict my schedule values to be either 0 or 1. I'm not sure how to implement this right now, therefore I simply use the bounds keywords.

The unrestricted optimization with bounds works fine. I simply pass my schedule_list as first guess.

scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp( price_func, schedule_list, args=price_list, bounds=[[0,1]]*len(schedule_list) )

and the output is as good as it can be:

Optimization terminated successfully.    (Exit mode 0)
        Current function value: -33.0
        Iterations: 2
        Function evaluations: 20
        Gradient evaluations: 2
Out[8]: array([ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.])

Without any further constraints, this is the optimal solution!

Using the constrained optimization with the following command:

scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp( price_func, schedule_list, args=price_list, bounds=[[0,1]]*len(schedule_list), eqcons=[eqcon, ] )

gives me the error:

Singular matrix C in LSQ subproblem    (Exit mode 6)
        Current function value: -0.0
        Iterations: 1
        Function evaluations: 10
        Gradient evaluations: 1
Out[9]: array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

From gnuplot I know that this is often related to non-sense questions or bad initial values. I tried almost optimal initial values, but that does not help. Does anybody has an idea or even solution for me?

In a next step, I already have formulated inequality constrains. Do I understand it correctly that in the scipy minimize wrapper the inequalities are assumed to be larger than 0, while in fmin_slsqp it is vice versa. Solutions are constrained to negative constrain functions?


  • You have a plain linear program, is that right ?

    min: - prices . x
    constrain: x >= 0, sum x = 4

    so the second derivative matrix aka Hessian is exactly 0.
    slsqp is trying to invert this --- not possible. Agreed, the error message could be better.
    (The same will happen with other quadratic methods, in any package: they'll converge much faster on smooth functions, but crash on rough cliffs.)

    See also why-cant-i-rig-scipys-constrained-optimization-for-integer-programming --
    but LP should do the job (max 4), Integer programming is harder.