I was able install tesseract and train new fonts
I had followed all the steps exactly mentioned in http://michaeljaylissner.com/blog/adding-new-fonts-to-tesseract-3-ocr-engine
And now i m testing the traineddata but i get the following error when i run the command
tesseract eng.digital.exp0.tif ./output.txt -l eng
gives me the error
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.03 with Leptonica
tessdata_manager.SeekToStart(TESSDATA_INTTEMP):Error:Assert failed:in file adaptmatch.cpp, line 522
Abort trap: 6
Now, after this even if i'm trying to train new data, i get this error, i mean i'm unable to run the following command now
tesseract engg.digital.exp0.tif engg.digital.exp0.box nobatch box.train.stderr
I was able to resolve this error by uninstalling and installing tesseract again. Could you guys help me, if there is an easier way to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Ok i have fixed the 2nd time run fail. Basically i was training another font in english and i replaced eng.traineddata in original tessdata folder.. Hence it was failing. I replaced the original eng.traineddata and i can retrain now.