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TurboGears + Heroku + gevent

Following the tutorial, linked below, i've tried to install TurboGears on Heroku using gevent.

Can't figure out why, but I get there errors:

ERROR [gearbox] Failed to load application or server: Entry point 'main' not found in egg 'gevent' (dir: /app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages; protocols: paste.server_factory, paste.server_runner; entry_points: ) (--debug to see traceback)

LookupError: Entry point 'main' not found in egg 'gevent' (dir: /app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages; protocols: paste.server_factory, paste.server_runner; entry_points: )

Any idea on how to solve them?


  • Let me suggest you try this line in your production.ini file and tell us if it works:

    use = egg:gearbox#gevent