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Reporting Services report hangs in Internet Explorer only

I have a SSRS2008R2 report that runs just fine through Chrome and Firefox but will not run at all in Internet Explorer. I have tried IE9, IE10, and IE11 but I get the same results. I just get the green 'Loading' circle but the report never opens. I can run exactly the same report with the same parameters in Chrome and Firefox and it returns within about 2 seconds. This is a multi-page report with page breaks set. Other than that, I cannot think of anything unusual about the report.

Any ideas why this is happening?


  • I've had the same issue with IE10 and IE11 (don't know about IE9) and if I put the browser in compatibility mode the report ran fine.

    Here's how to put IE10 into compatibility mode


    This issue can also be fixed by upgrading to the Reporting Services that comes with SQL Server 2012.