Search code examples

parsing xml site using elementtree

import elementtree.ElementTree as ET
import urllib  

name = name.lower().replace(' ','%20')
id_search = ''+name
tree = ET.parse(urllib.urlopen(id_search))
root = tree.getroot()
showid = root.find('showid')
url = ''+str(showid)

For some reason the showid comes up as none. Any help on this would be great. I'm using this on xbmc addon to scrape the showid.

Here is the link


  • The root-element of the xml-file is the results-element, only containing show-elements. You're trying to take subelement show-id from results, while show-id-elements are all subelements of show.

    You could use showid = root.find('show/show-id'), but probably you want toe use a for-loop and the findall-function instead of the find-function.