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Pretty faces: one mapping configuration for multi .xhtml page

I have one question. How could pretty faces do this:

<url-mapping id="home">
    <pattern value="/viewer" />
    <view-id value="/pages/*" />

Well, I wonder if pretty faces could hide paths of all .xhtml in folder using just one configuration as shown as above, instead of to config for each and every file.


  • This mapping doesn't make any sense. To which view should PrettyFaces forward if the client requests /viewer?

    However, you can do something similar with Rewrite, which is the successor of PrettyFaces. With Rewrite you can do something like:

    .addRule( Join.path("/viewer/{page}").to("/pages/{page}.xhtml") )

    This will basically map your URLs like this:

    • /viewer/foo -> /pages/foo.xhtml
    • /viewer/bar -> /pages/bar.xhtml
    • /viewer/whatever -> /pages/whatever.xhtml

    If you want to migrate your app to Rewrite, which is really simple, have a look at the PrettyFaces Migration Guide.