i am trying to minimize (globally) 3 functions that use common variables, i tried to combine them into one function and minimize that using L-BFGS-B
(i need to set boundaries for the variables), but it has shown to be very difficult to balance each parameter with weightings, i.e. when one is minimised the other will not be. I also tried to use SLSQP
method to minimize one of them while setting others as constraints, but the constraints are often ignored/not met.
Here are what need to be minimized, all the maths are done in meritscalculation
and meritoflength
, meritofROC
, meritofproximity
, heightorderreturned
are returned from the calculations as globals.
def lengthmerit(x0):
print meritoflength
return meritoflength
def ROCmerit(x0):
print meritofROC
return meritofROC
def proximitymerit(x0):
print meritofproximity+heightorder
return meritofproximity+heightorder
i want to minimize all of them using a common x0 (with boundaries) as independent variable, is there a way to achieve this?
Is this what you want to do ?
minimize a * amerit(x) + b * bmerit(x) + c * cmerit(x)
over a, b, c, x:
a + b + c = 1
a >= 0.1, b >= 0.1, c >= 0.1 (say)
x in xbounds
If x
is say [x0 x1 .. x9]
, set up a new variable abcx = [a b c x0 x1 .. x9]
constrain a + b + c = 1
with a penalty term added to the objective function,
and minimize this:
define fabc( abcx ):
""" abcx = a, b, c, x
-> a * amerit(x) + ... + penalty 100 (a + b + c - 1)^2
a, b, c, x = abcx[0], abcx[1], abcx[2], abcx[3:] # split
fa = a * amerit(x)
fb = b * bmerit(x)
fc = c * cmerit(x)
penalty = 100 * (a + b + c - 1) ** 2 # 100 ?
f = fa + fb + fc + penalty
print "fabc: %6.2g = %6.2g + %6.2g + %6.2g + %6.2g a b c: %6.2g %6.2g %6.2g" % (
f, fa, fb, fc, penalty, a, b, c )
return f
and bounds = [[0.1, 0.5]] * 3 + xbounds
, i.e. each of a b c in 0.1 .. 0.5
or so.
The long print
s should show you why one of a b c
approach 0 --
maybe one of amerit() bmerit() cmerit()
is way bigger than the others ?
s instead of print
s would be easy too.
1) formulate the problem clearly on paper, as at the top
2) translate that into python.