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Android Universal Image Loader URI from InputStream

i want to ask about UIL which the URI input from InputStream. Because my image source from ZIP and then i must extract it to show that image. Because the image is too big, i must use the UIL library, anybody know how to insert UIL from InputStream.


  • I think you can do it similar to loading images from DB - Can Universal image loader for android work with images from sqlite db?

    Lets choose own scheme so our URIs will look like "stream://...".

    Then implement ImageDownloader. We should catch URIs with our scheme and return image stream.

    public class StreamImageDownloader extends BaseImageDownloader {
        private static final String SCHEME_STREAM = "stream";
        private static final String STREAM_URI_PREFIX = SCHEME_STREAM + "://";
        public StreamImageDownloader(Context context) {
        protected InputStream getStreamFromOtherSource(String imageUri, Object extra) throws IOException {
            if (imageUri.startsWith(STREAM_URI_PREFIX)) {
                return (InputStream) extra;
            } else {
                return super.getStreamFromOtherSource(imageUri, extra);

    Then we set this `ImageDownloader into configuration:

    ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(context)
        .imageDownloader(new StreamImageDownloader(context))


    And then we can do following to display image from DB:

    ImageStream is = ...; // You have image stream
    // You should generate some unique string ID for this stream
    // Streams for the same images should have the same string ID
    String imageId = "stream://" + is.hashCode();
    DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
    imageLoader.displayImage(imageId, imageView, options);