(This example project is here https://github.com/danieljfarrell/BindingToPopUpButtons)
I'm just getting into binds, but I have an NSPopUpButton bound to a NSArrayController which is managing a content array in my AppDelegate (model) and all works well! However it only works well for static objects which are added to the content array in the -init
method. I have problems when I mutate the content array (inserting, adding etc...).
// AppDelegate.m
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_songs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableDictionary *song1 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{@"title" : @"Back in the USSR"}];
NSMutableDictionary *song2 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{@"title" : @"Yellow Submarine"}];
[_songs addObjectsFromArray:@[song1, song2]];
return self;
Problem. When I mutate the content array using -mutableArrayValueForKey:
by inserting a new song the NSPopUpButton displays the -description
of the array rather than the value of the array elements and also the array seems to be duplicated? For this simple case where the model is just a NSMutableDictionary how can I properly mutate the content array in an KVO compliant way?
// AppDelegate action method from button click
- (IBAction)addNewSong:(id)sender {
// Grab the new song title from a text field
NSString *newSong = self.songTextField.stringValue;
// Grab the insert index from a text field.
NSInteger index = self.indexTextField.integerValue;
/* Here I want the array controller to
create a new NSMutableDictionary
and set the title key with the new song. */
[[self.songs mutableArrayValueForKey:@"title"] insertObject:newSong atIndex:index];
/* I also tried adding a dictionary but ran into a similar problem...*/
// [[self.songs mutableArrayValueForKey:@"title"] insertObject:[@{@"title" : newSong} mutableCopy] atIndex:index];
The bindings for the NSPopUpButton are standard:
Content Value
I think Volker means create an outlet for you NSArrayController and do something like this
NSMutableDictionary *song = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{@"title": newSong}];
[[self myArrayController] addObject:song];