Search code examples

How to build mgo queries?

I'm doing a tiny project(practice) with revel and mgo, but I got something wrong with search function when I build the queries. The code seems like this:

conditions := make(bson.M, 0)
conditions["status"] = bson.M{"$ne": "delete"}

if item, ok := paramsPost["title"]; ok {
    if item[0] != "" {
        conditions["title"] = bson.RegEx{Pattern: item[0]}
if item, ok := paramsPost["from_date"]; ok {
    if item[0] != "" {
        conditions["publishdate"] = bson.M{}
        fromDate, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", item[0])
        conditions["publishdate"]["$gte"] = fromDate.Unix()

if item, ok := paramsPost["to_date"]; ok {
    if _, ok := conditions["publishdate"]; !ok {
        conditions["publishdate"] = bson.M{}
    if item[0] != "" {
        toDate, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", item[0])
        conditions["publishdate"]["$lte"] = toDate.Unix()

And I got some error info:

invalid operation: conditions["publishdate"]["$gte"] (index of type interface {})

I know I make something wrong, but I don't know why, and how to resolve. Anybody can help me? Thanks


  • bson.M is a map[string]interface{} (

    So, in

    conditions["publishdate"]["$gte"] = fromDate.Unix()

    You need to do a type assertion from interface{} to bson.M when looking up publishdate in the map.

    Instead, you could refactor the code to something like

    publishdate:= bson.M{}
    // ... your logic goes here
    conditions["publishdate"] = publishDate

    to save on unnecessary map lookups and type assertions.