ok i manage to create my playlist by scanning my media folder (glob() php) function to build the playlist but currently if the file is having chinese/japanese names will have issue while playing. for now a test my mp3 file name is this (note i am under linux hosting)
01-中国话.mp3 <-- file name
but during my view source code for the jplaylist
i saw this
title:"Öйú»°", mp3:"playfile.php?file=01-�й���.mp3", artist:"S.H.E"
as you can see i am having this 01-���.mp3 instead...
the way i am getting the file name is something like this
foreach(glob("{$directory}/*.{$extension}") as $file) {
$ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($file);
$songs = new Songs;
$songs->setFileName($ThisFileInfo['filename']); // set file Name
$files[$file] = $songs;
then output it like this
echo $comma.'{title:"'.$obj->getTitle().'",'.$plspacer.'mp3:"playfile.php?file='.$obj->getFileName().'",'.$plspacer.'artist:"'.$obj->getArtist().'"}';
It looks like you are trying to output a JavaScript object literal. Try using JSON-encoding for this:
echo json_encode(array(
'title' => $obj->getTitle(),
'mp3' => 'playfile.php?file=' . urlencode($obj->getFileName()),
'artist' => $obj->getArtist()