The Title says it all. I want to know what is the difference between Sprite.getcontentsize, Sprite.gettexture , Sprite.getscale. and How are they used. I couldn't find any resources following this question.
We have for example image with name "test.png" with width 100px and height 200px. Then:
CCSprite testImage = CCSprite.sprite("test.png");
// print original image size
System.out.println("" + testImage.getContentSize().width + ", " + testImage.getContentSize().height); // print: 100, 200
// print actual image size
System.out.println("" + testImage.getBoundingBox().size.width + ", " + testImage.getBoundingBox().size.height); // print: 100, 200
// this will change resolution of image to half, so it will be drawn 2x smaller then original size
// print how many is image scaled
System.out.println("" + testImage.getScale()); // print: O.5
// print original image size
System.out.println("" + testImage.getContentSize().width + ", " + testImage.getContentSize().height); // print: 100, 200
// print actual image size
System.out.println("" + testImage.getBoundingBox().size.width + ", " + testImage.getBoundingBox().size.height); // print: 50, 100
will probably return loaded texture/image, but I don't know, I have never needed to use this function.