How to implement dynamically updating vote count similar to quora:- Whenever a user upvotes an answer its reflected automatically for every one who is viewing that page.
I am looking for an answer that address following:
The answer I am looking for may not be exactly how quora is doing it, but may be how this can be done using available opensource technologies.
It's not the back-end system details that you need to worry about but the front end. Having connection being open all the time is impractical at any real scale. Instead you want the opposite - to be able to serve and close connection from back-end as fast as you can.
Websockets is a sexy technology, but again, in real world there are issues with proxies, if you are developing something that should work on a variety of screens (desktop, tablet, mobile) it might became a concern to you. Even good-old long polls might not work through firewalls and proxies.
Here is a good news: I think
"keep polling for upvote counts for every answer"
is a totally good solution in this case. Consider the following:
Here is what I'd start with:
operation in memcached, note that it's safe from the race condition point of view. It's also a safe atomic operation in MySQL UPDATE table SET field = field + 1 WHERE [...]
Aggressive multi level caching covers your read
path: in Memcached and in all http caches along the way, note that these http poll requests will be cached on the edges as well.
To take care of the long tail of unpopular topic - make http ttl for such responses reverse proportional to popularity.
A read request will only infrequently gets to the front end server, when http cache expired and memcached does not have it either. If that is still a problem, add memecached servers and increase expire time in memcached across the board.
After you done with that you have all the reads
taken care of. The only problem you might still have, depending on the scale, is high rate of writes
i.e. flow of up/down votes. This is where your single MySQL instance might start showing some lags. Fear not - proceed along the old beaten path of sharding your instances, or adding a NoSQL storage just for counters.
Do not use any messaging system unless absolutely necessary or you want an excuse to play with it.