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Programmatically Set Background Resource of EditText to transparent field

This is the default way an EditText looks when I create one:

This is what it looks like after I change the background of it:

enter image description here

To change the background to the image above, I add the following EditText property to my EditText in my XML file:


What I want to do is do what I've done above in my activity class (giving the user an option to select between the classic style and the transparent/new style).

So like this - I need people to fill in the /*...*/

if (classicTextbox()) { // the blocky white one


} else { // the new transparent one


So how do I change it back to the new, transparent EditText style?


  • I ended up trying to just save the original Drawable when the layout is opened and then set the background resource that way whenever I want. Like this:

    In my onCreate method:

    Drawable originalDrawable = editText.getBackground();

    And then to set it:

    // need to use .setBackground and .setBackgroundDrawable depending on the 
    // android version because .setBackgroundDrawable is depreciated
    int sdk = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
    int jellyBean = android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN;
    if(sdk < jellyBean) {
    } else {

    I still encourage more answers because I don't quite like this solution.


    How to return to default style on EditText if I apply a background?

    setBackground vs setBackgroundDrawable (Android)