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Wicked_PDF render a string from a template in a background process

I've got a controller "tech" that has an action to email and invoice, from there we use Delayed::Job.enqueue to shove the actual email action into a background process which will be handled via a worker dyno on Heroku.

This is all working fine.

The trouble that I found is that my generated PDF invoice lives over on the Heroku Web Dyno file system and the Worker has no idea where this is.

I will do upload the PDF during the generation process, it takes too damn long.

So I need to create the invoice over on the worker dyno when it goes to execute the mailer action to send the message.

I found this blog with some detailed instructions on creating the pdf from a string:

But it's not working at all for me, here is the code:

  html = render_to_string(:action =>":show", :layout => "invoice.html")
  @pdf =

And the error:

"last_error"=>"undefined method `response_body=' for #<MailSenderJob:0x007fdf7e70a638>

I know this is from the docs:
  render_to_string('templates/pdf.html.erb', :layout => 'pdfs/layout_pdf'),
  :footer => {
    :content => render_to_string(:layout => 'pdfs/layout_pdf')

And that code has never worked for me at all.

What I'm getting over and over is the response_body= error. It's like it's not getting a response at all.

At the top of my file I'm doing:

  include ActionController::Rendering

Because this is the module that has the render_to_string method inside it.

Any help at all - please keep in mind in your response that I'm running this code on a Heroku WORKER dyno - so if there's any dependency that I need to manually include that is naturally included on the web server, please let me know.


  • I ended up having to do some weird stuff with this to finally get it working.

      html ='app','views','technician','invoice.html.erb'))
      html =
      html = html.gsub!(/\0/,'')  # There is a null byte in the rendered html, so we'll strip it out (this is kind of a hack)
      #  Render the PDF - we're on a worker dyno and have no access to the pdf we rendered already on the web dyno
      @pdf =
                :handlers => [:erb],
                :footer => {
                  :center => "Copyright 2014"                   
                :disable_smart_shrinking => true,
    @pdf = @pdf.gsub!(/\0/,'')  # Again with the null bytes!