Apologies for not formulating the question to its best. I hope the question is clear enough after going through the code below.
I am trying to get the TABS info running for an IE instance usung System.diagnostic class It apparently is clear that VB.net returns only the active tab info
Dim c_process As Process
c_process = New Process
Dim c_m_process() As Process
c_m_process = Process.GetProcessesByName("iexplore")
For Each all_prcsfound In c_m_process
TextBox1.Text += all_prcsfound.Id & "--" & all_prcsfound.ProcessName & "--" & all_prcsfound.HandleCount & "," & all_prcsfound.MainWindowTitle.ToString() & vbNewLine
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What properties can get the 1) IE.TABS.count info [ if exists ] 2) and how to access the tab(1).Titlename [ if exists ] by one of the many available properties?
Thanks in advance Rajiv
I believe you will have to resort to Win32 API calls. I don't think this can be solved with pure .NET.
The process will get you the MainWindowHandle. From there you can use API function FindWindowEx to get ahold of the different child windows (tabs).