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Am I using a wrong numerical method?

This is the code:

f = dsolve('D3y+12*Dy+y = 0 ,y(2) = 1 ,Dy(2) = 1, D2y(2) = -1');
feval(symengine, 'numeric::solve',strcat(char(f),'=1'),'t=-4..16','AllRealRoots')

If I remove 'AllRealRoots' option it works fast and finds a solution, but when I enable the option Matlab does not finish for an hour. Am I using a wrong numerical method?


  • First, straight from the documentation for numeric::solve:

    If eqs is a non-polynomial/non-rational equation or a set or list containing such an equation, then the equations and the appropriate optional arguments are passed to the numerical solver numeric::fsolve.

    So, as your equation f is non-polynomial, you should probably call numeric::fsolve directly. However, even with the 'MultiSolutions' it fails to return more than one root over your range (A bug perhaps? – I'm using R2013b). A workaround is to call numeric::realroots to get bounds on each of the district real roots in your range and then solve for them separately:

    f = dsolve('D3y+12*Dy+y = 0 ,y(2) = 1 ,Dy(2) = 1, D2y(2) = -1');
    r = feval(symengine, 'numeric::realroots', f==1, 't = -4 .. 16');
    num_roots = numel(r);
    T = zeros(num_roots,1); % Wrap in sym or vpa for higher precision output
    syms t;
    for i = 1:num_roots
        bnds = r(i);
        ri = feval(symengine, '_range', bnds(1), bnds(2));
        s = feval(symengine, 'numeric::fsolve', f==1, t==ri);
        T(i) = feval(symengine, 'rhs', s(1));

    The resultant solution vector, T, is double-precision (allocate it as sym or vpa you want higher precision):

    T =

    You may be able to remove the for loop if you can figure out how to cleanly pass in the output of 'numeric::realroots' to 'numeric::fsolve' in one go (it's doable, but may require converting stuf to strings unless you're clever).

    Another (possibly even faster) approach is to switch to using the numeric (floating-point) function fzero for the second half after you bound all of the roots:

    f = dsolve('D3y+12*Dy+y = 0 ,y(2) = 1 ,Dy(2) = 1, D2y(2) = -1');
    r = feval(symengine, 'numeric::realroots', f==1, 't = -4 .. 16');
    num_roots = numel(r);
    T = zeros(num_roots,1);
    g = matlabFunction(f-1); % Create anonymous function from f
    for i = 1:num_roots
        bnds = double(r(i));
        T(i) = fzero(g,bnds);

    I checked and, for your problem here and using the default tolerances, the resultant T is within a few times machine epsilon (eps) of the numeric::fsolve' solution.