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Why using forward_list with char is much more optimize than using it with long long?

I used below code for comparing std::list with std::forward_list

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <forward_list>
#include <windows.h>

int main()
    LARGE_INTEGER start_;

    std::list<long long> list;

    for(long long i=0;i<50000000;i++)

    std::cout<< (end_.QuadPart - start_.QuadPart) / (freq.QuadPart / 1000) <<"\n";

I changed list with forward_list . and measured time and size of both result :

//long long
//              size    time
//forward list 1157.3  2360
//list         1157.3  2450

And I do the same for this code :

int main()
    LARGE_INTEGER start_;

    std::list<char> list;

    for(long long i=0;i<50000000;i++)

    std::cout<< (end_.QuadPart - start_.QuadPart) / (freq.QuadPart / 1000 )<<"\n";

Result :

//              size  time
//forward list  773   2185
//list          1157  2400

The question is why using std::forward_list whith char is much better than using it with long long comparing to std::list .

I know speeds are almost same but what about the size of containers ?

//long long
//             size(mb)    time
//forward list 1157.3      2360
//list         1157.3      2450

//              size(mb)  time
//forward list  773       2185
//list          1157      2400


  • forward_list is typically implemented as a simple singly-linked list. The list nodes have a single pointer that designates the following node in the list, and a data field that holds the actual user data. The size of a single node of a forward_list<T> would then be sizeof(void*) + sizeof(T) assuming (1) that all data pointers have the same size, and (2) T does not have a more strict alignment than void*.

    list is implemented as a double-linked list. As such, a single node would have a data field and pointers to both the next and the previous list nodes. The size of a list<T> node is thus 2 * sizeof(void*) + sizeof(T) under the same assumptions as above.

    It is common for memory allocators to allocate memory in blocks whose size is a multiple of the largest fundamental alignment. There's a tradeoff between providing the granularity of allocations and the amount of tracking overhead. Allocating blocks in multiples of the fundamental alignment is a good balance point and has the added bonus of ensuring that allocations are always properly aligned for any type that is not over-aligned.

    Let's make the assumption that your program is running on a 32-bit implementation - sizeof(void*) == 4 - and that the system allocator uses a block size of 8 bytes - sizeof(double). These assumptions are true for typical 32-bit Windows C++ as implemented by MS Visual C++. With those assumptions, the size of various objects are:

    • forward_list<char> node: sizeof(void*) + sizeof(char) == 5, which the memory allocator will round up to an 8 byte allocation.
    • forward_list<long long> node: sizeof(void*) + sizeof(long long) == 12, which the memory allocator will round up to an 16 byte allocation.
    • list<char> node: 2 * sizeof(void*) + sizeof(char) == 9, which the memory allocator will round up to an 16 byte allocation.
    • list<long long> node: 2 * sizeof(void*) + sizeof(long long) == 16, which the memory allocator won't round since 16 is already a multiple of 8.

    So of the types in the OP, forward_list<char> allocates 8 bytes per element and all of list<char>, list<long long>, and forward_list<long long> allocate 16 bytes per element. This is one likely explanation for the memory usage observations.