After a lot of searching, it seems most relational division
problems target groups with matching members. Maybe I'm having keyword trouble, but I want something a little different: given a parent/group and set of children/members, how do I find each unique combination of members, regardless of parent?
Using the following sample source
CREATE TABLE #m (Parent char(1), ChildID int)
VALUES ('a',1), ('a', 2), ('a',4),
('b',1), ('b', 3), ('b',4),
('c',1), ('c', 4), ('c',2),
('d',1), ('d',4),
('e',3), ('e', 1),
('g',3), ('g', 4), ('g',1);
I'd be looking for a result like (1, 2, 4), (1, 3, 4), (1, 4), (1, 3), (4), expressed as a new temp table (to join back to #m
, so that each Parent
can be pointed to its "hash" rather than its matching Parent
There are lots of syntax variations on this stuff; this kind makes the most sense to me, but hasn't gotten me to an answer. Apologies for duplication I can't find.
EDIT: the desired result expressed as a SQL resultset:
UParent ChildID
------- -----------
u1 1
u1 2
u1 4
u2 1
u2 3
u2 4
u3 1
u3 4
u4 1
u4 3
u5 4
I see, you want the "unique" combinations of children, regardless of order.
The following gets parents that are equivalent:
select m1.Parent as Parent1, m2.Parent as Parent2
from (select m.*, count(*) over (partition by Parent) as NumKids
from #m m
) m1 join
(select m.*, count(*) over (partition by Parent) as NumKids
from #m m
) m2
on m1.ChildID = m2.ChildID
group by m1.Parent, m2.Parent
having count(*) = max(m1.NumKids) and max(m1.NumKids) = max(m2.NumKids);
We can now get what you want using this
with parents as (
select m1.Parent as Parent1, m2.Parent as Parent2
from (select m.*, count(*) over (partition by Parent) as NumKids
from #m m
) m1 join
(select m.*, count(*) over (partition by Parent) as NumKids
from #m m
) m2
on m1.ChildID = m2.ChildID
group by m1.Parent, m2.Parent
having count(*) = max(m1.NumKids) and max(m1.NumKids) = max(m2.NumKids)
select distinct m.*
from (select min(Parent2) as theParent
from parents
group by Parent1
) p join
#m m
on p.theParent = m.Parent;
If you want a new id instead of the old one, use:
select dense_rank() over (partition by m.Parent) as NewId, m.ChildID
in the select